7 September 2008
VST Instruments on your PC Guide
Want to play high quality Digital Instruments on your computer? You need an application called MiniHost (Freeware), Search in Google. MiniHost 'Hosts' VST Instruments.
Virtual Studio Technology (VST) Instruments and Effects by Steinberg GmBH is an Interface for playing Instrument files that have a .dll extension (Dynamic Link Library) Extension. There are thousands of Commercial and Freeware VST/i on the net, google 'VST Freeware'.
Exract the MiniHost.zip file, Search in Google for ASIO4ALL, install. Asio4All is an Audio Interface, delivering reduced latency between when a sound is played (on keyboard or onscreen) and when you actually hear the sound. ASIO, by Steinberg GmBH, is usually better than DirectX or other Audio Interfaces. You need an ASIO driver like ASIO4ALL to run MiniHost.
So, you have MiniHost running with ASIO4ALL (it will state an error if you do not have an ASIO interface enabled), now you can drag and drop a VST (*.dll) file onto the MiniHost Window, or click File- Open and browse to your VST file. Thats it! You can now play high quality synthesizers and record the output to WAV files.
Note: Never open two instances of MiniHost, this will crash the system, causing a BSOD, but is relativly harmless, you just lose unsaved data.
To get the following instruments and effects (all are Free), copy the name into Google and add the letters 'VST Download', so eg. 'FreeAlpha 3 VST Download', would take you to the FreeAlpha 3 Synth download page in Google.
Here is a list of professional free VST Indstruments (Google): Native Instruments Kore Player Free with free sound bank, Independence Free, EMU Proteus VX, UVI Workstation Sampler with free sound bank, Tacam CVPiano, UVI Universal Player, Plugsound Free, FreeAlpha3, Sonik Synth 2 Free. I will post a blog of my favorite VST FX in the future.
Checkout Computer Music Magazine (from most shops inc. WHS), it includes a monthly DVD containing Audio Samples and some Freeware/Commercial VSTs/Demos. Checkout Audacity and Reaper.
(c) [mercnet]
Image: Shows MiniHost with ASIO4ALL running the HG Fortune Freeware VST Instrument- ProtoPlasmTSM.dll.
4 September 2008
Themes for Windows Guide
To use different Visual Styles in Windows, you have to Path or Hack on of the files in your system called 'Uxtheme.dll'. In order to do this you can download the patched version of the file or download the UXTheme Patcher.exe application, Search Google with this string: 'Patched uxtheme download' and get either the above app or the patched uxtheme.dll file (note: the app says 'Windows Server 2003', but you can use it on Windows XP too). The program automatically patches your file, located in this directory: %systemroot%\System32\Uxtheme.dll, where %systemroot% is your system Folder, either WNNT or WINDOWS located on your system partition, usually C:\.
If you have downloaded the Patched Uxtheme.dll file, use Replacer.cmd to Replace the original UXTheme.dll with your new Patched version. Download Replacer.cmd site. Run- drag and drop the original unpatched Uxtheme.dll in the directory mentioned above onto the Replacer.cmd Window, press ENTER, then drag and drop the Patched Uxtheme.dll file in the link above onto the Replacer Window, press ENTER, confirm, ok. Now reboot.
This replaces the Microsoft original file with the Patched version. You can't manually replace the file as the Windows System File Protection won't allow you (I will be writing a post about SFP later). The Replacer.cmd script allows you to replace some files on your system that are in use, with other files.
My favorite theme, which I have been using for a while now is called 'Ashen', with black Taskbar and Explorer Windows, it looks very professional. Search Google: 'Ashen XP Theme'. Can get version 1 or the Updated version- Ashen II.
When you have your theme, it should contain, at a minimum, a file with the *.msstyles. Might also have a Folder called 'Shells' which contain dll files and a *.theme template file that you can open and edit with Notepad. Double-click on the *.theme file, if there is one, or the *.msstyles file (replace '*' with the name of the file). This should show the Display Properties Dialog box, if your Uxtheme.dll file was properly patched (and you rebooted your machine) then it should accept your Visual Style Theme. Click Apply- Ok. The Visual Style should now be loaded.
Here are some links to Visual Styles/Themes Sites: Wincustomize, ThemeXP, XPThemes, BelchFire, Nevezen, creator of the Ashen Theme Gallery, browse DeviantArt for some of the best themes, and many more, just google 'Themes XP' or 'Themes Vista'. Tip- press Ctrl & click on any links to open them in a new Window or Tab (IE7).
Note: Please respect any Licences contained within any of the downloads in this post. The Uxtheme.dll, Uxtheme Patcher.exe, Replacer.cmd, Ashen and the Ashen II files and applications are the copyrighted material of their respective owners and authors.
(c) [mercnet]
Image: Shows my desktop: XPSP3 with the Ashen Theme and Styler Toolbar (note- I have modified the image to conceal personal information). Iwill post a Guide on Styler & BootSkin/ LogonScreen later, Enjoy.
3 September 2008
Best Freeware Applications
Here are some of the best apps out there: To obtain any of these Applications, Search Google: 'Download Freeware
Note: Most of these are either Freeware or OpenSource while some may be Shareware. There may be some restrictions upon use in a Commercial environment, so always read the included Licenses, if any.
Best single file applications across the whole spectrum of application types: Sysinternals Suite, including Autoruns, Procexp, Procmon and TCPView. CCleaner- cleans your system [to be continued]..
Note: Please respect any Licences contained within any of the Applications listed above in this post. All Applications and Files are the copyrighted material of their respective owners and authors.
Image: Shows just a few of the best single-file applications I have come across. These and more are included in the above download links.
Elevating Permissions Guide
Problem: User is restricted access to certain files and folders on the system, or need elevated permissions to run an application or modify the registry, when the Administrator Account, with Admin Permissions, is not enough and assigning added permissions via the ACL is not allowed.
Solution: You need to run the app, edit the registry or access the file or folder with the System Account, with System Permissions. There are many ways do this, however, I find that the fastest and best way is to run Explorer.exe with the System Account. Then anything you run from Explorer (any apps you start, any files or folders you access including the registry) will run with Elevated System Permissions. You can now do/change anything on your System, should the need arise. Caution- make sure you know what your doing when running as the System Account.
Process: Download Sysrun.zip Site, or Search Google. Note: This application requires Administrator Account Permissions and Privileges.
Extract/install Sysrun.exe, place anywhere you like, no installation required. Run- browse to your System32 directory, ie. %systemroot%\System32, where %systemroot% is your system Folder (WNNT or WINDOWS) on your system partition (usually C:\). From that folder, run taskmgr.exe. Press Run on the Sysrun app- Task Manger will now open.
Go to the Process tab- notice that the Task Manager is running from the System Account. Right-click explorer.exe in the Image Name part, click End Process, ok. Now go to the Applications tab in Task Manger, click New Task, type in explorer.exe. The Explorer window should show with a different desktop and Profile- you are now running as the System Account. Don't worry, your desktop files are still there and your applications are still running.
You can now access any file/folder and app/registry with full Permissions granted to all files. To revert back to your Profile automatically (Administrator Account), simply start Task Manager via. Ctl + Alt + Del (note- don't right-click on the taskbar: Task Manager, as this will run app as System), terminate explorer.exe as mentioned above, click on the Applications tab- New Task- explorer.exe. You now have your Administrator Desktop back (albeit, with fewer privileges...).
The System Profile you were just logged onto is located here:
Alternativly: You can also run any app or file and edit the registry with System Privileges without any 3rd Party apps using an Administrator Account. Say you are using an Administrator Account and you want to change any configuration information on your system, or access any application that you do not have permissions to access (ie. some HKLM- System- Enum Keys), instead of assigning Permissions via the ACL, you could do the following:
Open a Command Window, type 'AT' which is the Task Scheduler Service (note- the Task Scheduler Service must be running) then type in the Time in the HH:MM format (see System Tray for the time), leaving a few minutes to spare, so if its 17.03, type: AT 17:05, add the '/i' switch followed by the Application you want to run with System Privileges eg. Cmd.exe. Here is the full command:
AT HH:MM /i "cmd.exe"
The Command Prompt should appear at the time you entered with the AT command. The Command Window is running with System Privileges, you can now run any apps in your Path variable and browse via the Cmd window to files and apps. One step further is to enter this command:
TASKKILL /F /IM "explorer.exe"
This terminates the Windows Explorer Process along with your desktop (apps still running). Now enter:
Enter this command from the Command Window opened by the Scheduler Service AT command, this will start explorer.exe as a System Profile process. You will now be running as the System Account, with a different Desktop and User Settings. The System Account Priveleges is the highest control you can have over your system. To revert back to your Account, press Crtl + ALT + DEL to bring up the Task Manager which will run from your Account, terminate Explorer.exe and restart Explorer.exe.
All this can only be done from an Administrator User Account or an Account with Administrative Privileges ONLY ie. NOT from a Power User or Limited User Account. Use the 'Run-As' Feature to run Sysrun or a Cmd Window as an Admin User first. Caution is advised, only use this command for ethical reasons and NOT to browse other User Profiles or damage the system intentionally.
Hope this has helped anyone out there, or is interesting to Techies anyway. Note: Please respect any Licences contained within any of the downloads in this post. The Sysrun.exe is the copyrighted material of the respective owner and author.(c) [mercnet]
Image: Shows Task Manager and Explorer running with
the System Account with System Permissions.
Disclaimer Notice
Please respect any Licences included with any of the downloads, if there is no Licence, you can Google the application /file and download the app installer which will include any Licensing conditions, or go to the application homepage. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with any of these statements, don't follow my Posts and don't follow any download links from this blog. Thank you! All topics discussed here worked for me and I hope they work for you too!
Mercury Networks- a.k.a. [mercnet]
Feel free to post your tips and suggestions.